Intentionally Realistic.

For Cinematographers By Cinematographers

As filmmakers ourselves, we deeply understand the significance of authenticity and creative control in crafting compelling narratives. The ability to transport audiences to cinematic wonder, where disbelief is suspended is and always will be our north star.

Driven by our passion for tinkering and an eye on innovation, we stay ahead of the curve by embracing cutting-edge technology.

At PlatonIX, our handpicked crews consist of seasoned professionals with years of industry experience, ensuring excellence from the shooting process to final delivery.

We foster collaboration with a dedicated shooting crew and a reliable post-production team, emphasizing open communication and a supportive atmosphere.

Above all, we believe in having fun. If we aren't laughing - then we go again...

Cast and Crew

Robin Forst

Founder, Cinematographer, Tinkerer

  • Robin Forst, a veteran cinematographer with over 35 years of expertise, has operated cameras in episodic TV, documentaries, and feature films worldwide, from South Africa to Canada. With over 450 hours of episodic TV under his belt, including some weird and wonderful Poor Man's Process car driving scenes, it is this wealth of experience and a keen eye for innovation that inspired Robin to establish PlatonIX, a platform aimed at meeting the evolving needs of cinematographers in the ever-changing landscape of film. Beyond his professional endeavors, Robin is a true flâneur exploring new locales or embarking on adventures sailing the picturesque Caribbean Sea."

Rob Wood

Camera Specialist, Troubleshooter, Action Aerials

  • Robert Wood, a respected figure in the Vancouver Film Industry, channels his entrepreneurial acumen through his company, Action Aerials. By collaborating with PlatonIX, they offer a diverse array of services, from multi-camera live driving to custom location plates and multi-camera aerial plates. Rob's wealth of experience enriches the cinematic landscape, offering innovative solutions for dynamic and captivating filmmaking. A dynamic force, adept at turning ideas into action, a born people connector with an infectious positivity and gregarious charm, PlatonIX is excited to have Rob on board.

Dave Riopel

Precision Driver, Thinking Partner, Seeker of Truth

  • With over 40 years of experience in television and film, Dave has established himself as a versatile professional, adept at various roles like dolly and crane operator, camera operator, cinematographer, producer, creative consultant, and precision driver. Dave is exceedingly curious (he will look up anything he doesn't know and often ends up down a rabbit hole jumping from idea to idea) and has innumerable interests (science (especially physics), math, technology, politics, painting, cooking, music, and languages). Long before the internet, encyclopedias were his go to resource. With a repertoire of topics, Dave is an excellent dinner guest!

Monica Murray

Operations Manager, Data Wrangler, Caratt Coach

  • Monica brings to the table, her years of experience in business as a CPA, CA, an entrepreneur, a CEO, and an Executive Coach. She offers a supporting role to the creative team providing administrative solutions, production planning and the always essential craft services. Outside her PlatonIX role, Monica runs a successful Executive Coaching practice, skillfully guiding CEOs and high-performing leaders towards their full potential.